I also started a pair of size 12m longies for a friend, as part of a swap.
So, tonight as usual, I sat down to knit.
Except I'm sick of longies. I've done about three pairs in three weeks, I need a break.
Then there's the amazing-wool-eating-shapeless-poncho. Which is making me wonder if I'll finish it before summer. Or, for that matter, before I'm a grandparent. Or maybe that the thing just eats wool and has become it's own living presence rather than an actual garment.
So, I figured I'd cast on some gorgeous baby outfit that I haven't done. I'm pregnant, I have no less than four friends who are due within a couple months, and even more due further down the track. There's always babies to knit for. Plus I have three books chock full of gorgeous baby patterns, surely there'd be something I could knock off quickly. I'd feel creative and virtuous, and get a baby gift out of the way too. (Or maybe just start my own baby's layette early).
So, I started to look through patterns.
Fell in love with one, but it was very girly. All of my friends are either "surprises" or having boys. Nope, can't do a girly one.
Fell in love with several others....
Debbie Bliss Jumper, in cashmerino aran - no, don't have any of that yarn. Have several single balls in a decent substitute yarn, but only single skeins. All the patterns called for at least two. Dye lots may well not be current... bugger. Look for something else.
Gorgeous footsie longies. Look very yum. Need 4ply yarn. Don't have any. Bugger. Look for something else...
Nice looking kimono top and pants set. Knit in wool/cotton blend. I don't have any of that, either. Bugger. Look for something else...
Very pretty newborn dress.... oh. Right. No girly things. Look for something else.... Bugger.
Found a Cleckheaton pattern book I've got on loan from a friend at the moment. Absolutely stunning newborn stuff. Hey, I've even got a couple balls of that exact yarn! Ah... but it's different colours. I could do a hat, maybe booties? Meh. Anyone can do a hat. Oh, but there's that scrummy bamboo, it's the same ply, it's nice and soft for new babies... I can use that!
Sit down with scrummy bamboo and cast on.
Knit two rows in pattern.
Swear at pattern as it's very unclear - do I knit 2 rows to start, or 4?
Decide they mean 2 rows.
On row 4, decide they're wrong and they mean 4 rows.
Unravel. Start again.
Knit two rows in pattern.
Swear at pattern as it's very unclear - does that line mean "every fourth row to follow" or "for the next for rows"
Decide it means the latter.
Knit three rows.
Reread pattern, decide it meant the former.
Unravel. Start again.
Knit four rows in pattern.
Swear at pattern as it's very unclear - do I keep increasing, on every 4th row, until I have the required stitches?
Seems right. Bloody awkward way of phrasing it though.
Knit another two rows, give up for the night. I'm six rows into this baby cardigan and I'm already fed up with it.
And yet, the thing I want to do most is visit my favorite yarn shop and spend an obscene amount of money on ridiculously scrummy wool.
Pity I'm broke.